Sunday, September 01 2024
Why Your Payroll Service Needs
Blasting a generic one-size-fits-all newsletter and placing an ad in the yellow pages was cutting-edge marketing 20 years ago. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work in today's information-overloaded society. Owners, marketing pros, and sales leaders at fast-growing payroll services go beyond a newsletter blast to win new payroll clients and referral partners. 5 Types Of e-Mail Campaigns. If you want to get more people to read your drip marketing campaigns, use the following types of campaigns throughout the year. 1. Sales-Based Newsletters: My team and I pioneered a sales-based newsletter to help trigger a prospect and/or CPA to take the next step in the buying process. 2. Information-Based e-Mails: These e-mails deliver specific information about a new product/service to essential updates such as changes in the company. 3. Education-Based e-Mails: Education-based e-mails are a great way to position your payroll service as a subject matter expert, which is the foundation of building trust, credibility, and brand recognition in the marketplace. 4. Announcement-Based e-mails: Announcement-based e-mails usually contain important information like upgrades, new hires, or capital improvements to inform your clients about a new cost-saving service. 5. Feel Good-Based e-Mails: Feel Good-based e-mails do nothing more than tell someone how much you appreciate their business or enjoy an upcoming holiday. About The Author: Glenn Fallavollita is a nationally recognized keynote speaker providing money-making advice to help payroll service owners, sales pros, and marketing gurus build more profitable relationships with their database of prospects, referral partners, and clients. Additionally, Glenn is the president of and Drip Marketing, Inc. and has written 50+ whitepapers and three sales/self-marketing books, Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW!, Stop Whining AND Start Selling, and Drip Marketing: A Powerful New Marketing Strategy That Gets Prospects To Buy From You. He also writes blogs for LinkedIn and other national websites. To hire Glenn for your next conference, visit © Drip Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved May Not Be Used Without Written Permission. |